公司簡介柜族展柜:本公司坐落于東陽市銀田坂。憑借人杰地靈的優韻,抓住時代發展的機遇,秉承“技術改進無止境,品質提升無極限”的經營理念,為新老客戶在珠寶、服裝、化妝品、電器、眼鏡、玩具等相關行業提供集美觀、安全、環保、實用為一體的各類精品展柜。公司創始人有著20年的專業工作經歷,積累了各類展柜制作的豐富經驗,擁有一支高素質、高效率的員工隊伍。公司全體員工將本著一切從客戶需要出發,運用時尚的設計理念,選用高等材質,如木質烤漆、防火板、亞克力板、鋁塑板、水晶板等,為廣大客戶量身定制最佳展柜制作方案。柜族展柜竭誠歡迎新老客戶惠顧我公司參觀洽談!Company IntroductionNoble Cabinet Showcase: Our company is located in Yintianban city of Dongyang. With the advantage of talented people and rich resources, to seize the opportunities of the developing times, adhering to the theory of business : "Infinite technical improvement and unlimited quality improvement", we supply various exquisite showcases that are artistic, safe, environmental and practical for new and old customers. We have been always providing services in the jewelry, clothing, cosmetics, electrical appliances, glasses, toys and related industries.The founder has 20 years’ professional working experience that accumulated rich experiences in the production of various types of showcases. And he owns a group of staffs of high-quality and efficiency. All company staffs will start everything from the customer’s needs, use of fashion design, to customize the most suitable showcases production program for them. We adopt best-quality materials such as wooden baked enamel, fire-proof plate, Acrylic board, aluminum plastic board and crystal board. Welcome new and old customers to visit Noble Cabinet Showcase or call us for contact!