亞雄企業總部位于塞外明珠張家口。地處京、津、冀、蒙、晉交界處,是集科研開發、種植、加工、銷售為一體的高科技農業企業。2006年,公司被評為河北省重點扶持農業龍頭企業。 公司致力于開發、生產北方地區綠色農產品。著力開辟國內、國際市場。已建成以華北地區為中樞,輻射全國的農產品網絡體系。集團旗下現有:河北亞雄現代農業有限公司、張家口郊西產業園“家家福”蔬菜配送中心、國家農業部定點市場—內蒙亞雄農產品綜合交易市場。 Making great efforts to develop and process green agricultural products in the North, the company is exerting their strength to open up the domestic and international market .A network system of agricultural products has already been built up, taking North China as the center and radiating nationwide. Up to now, the company owns subsidiary companies such as Hebei Yaxiong Modern Agricultural CO., Ltd., “Jiajiafu” (Every Family’s Prosperity) Vegetables Distribution Center, Inner Mongolia Xinghe Comprehensive Agricultural Products Market—a designated market by the Ministry of Agriculture, 通過幾年強勁、健康、有序的發展,企業注冊北興牌有機蔬菜及“家家福”蔬菜品牌,以其良好的品牌形象和全新的市場運作模式在國內外農產品市場上嶄露頭角。公司堅持科技興農,人才興企,真正打造農業航母的發展戰略,讓亞雄企業走向世界。亞雄企業:致力綠色農業,倡導健康生活。Yaxiong Company is striving for green agriculture, and leading people to health in life.亞雄企業:與您一起創造我們共同的綠色希望!Yaxiong Company is making our common green hopes come true together with you!