本公司主要生產加工:EVA泡棉 ,膠貼 , 雙面膠模切,透明膠墊,減震材料、EMI材料、絕緣材料、散熱絕緣材料、橡膠制品及各種特殊膠帶等。 “客戶第一,服務至上”是我公司的服務宗旨,“做的比要求的更好”是 我公司的經營理念。同我們合作,您會發現“給我們一個機會”是貴公司的一份收獲。 歡迎新老客戶洽談業務。 The company mainly production and processing: EVA foam, glue, double-sided adhesive die-cutting, transparent pad, damping materials, EMI material, insulation materials, heat insulation materials, rubber products and a variety of special tape. "Customer first, service first" is the purpose of our company's service, "to do better than the request" is my company's business philosophy. Cooperate with us, you will find that "give us a chance" is... |