星子縣旭日天然石材廠/九江市旭日天然石材有限公司位于風景秀麗的江西九江市廬山南面,成立于2003。主要生產天然板巖文化石和板巖餐盤墊,顏色包括銹板,黑板,青板,綠板,灰板。我司擁有豐富的工程經驗,公司建材系列的瓦板,地板,蘑菇石,組合板,馬塞克等天然文化石廣受房產商的歡迎。餐盤系列產品遠銷世界各地。 公司秉著“誠信為本,顧客至上”的原則,堅持不懈的為客戶提供最優質的產品,最好的服務。成立至今,產品廣受好評,承接過國內各地大小工地,出口到多個國家和地區。期待各界朋友蒞臨指導、參觀和業務洽談,共創輝煌! Jiujiang Rising Sun Nature Slate Co.Ltd. (Xingzi County Rising Sun Nature Slate Factory), Established in 2003. Xingzi is well known as China's Stone Material Town, Located in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. We are specialized in culture slate, mushroom slate, roofing slate, flooring slate,mosaics, slate plate and related slate products. Our factory is equipped with infrared cutting machines and operates under strict QC guidelines to guarantee high quality products with competitive prices. Main stone colors include black, green, grey, rusty. Through our nearly 10 years efforts, our products have been sold all over the world, such as France, Australia, USA, Russia ,Mid east ,South Korea and so on. Eager to build long-term bushiness relationship with you.