嘉興市星晨家紡有限公司是家庭家紡、賓館家紡、賓館一次性用品、燈具、學校家紡、醫(yī)院家紡等產品專業(yè)生產加工的公司,擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。嘉興市星晨家紡有限公司的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業(yè)界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業(yè)務洽談。主要產品有:羽絨被、羊毛被、蠶絲被、多孔棉被、多用套件、被套、床單、枕套、窗簾、保健席等百余種床上系列用品。公司擁有雄厚的技術力量和先進的生產設備,自84年“星晨”牌產品投放國內市場以來,一直以價廉品優(yōu)來贏得消費者信任,曾被多次評為“嘉興市消費者推薦產品”、“消費者信得過產品”等稱號。公司坐落在風景秀麗、特產豐富的長三角經濟區(qū)嘉興余新工業(yè)區(qū)內,東至上海,西靠杭州,北接蘇州,南鄰乍浦港,地理位置優(yōu)越,交通便利。星晨將設計素材加以綜合與提煉,以“創(chuàng)造更加舒適的酒店生活”為基本核心,將非生命的物質賦予靈魂。在傳統(tǒng)工藝上進行深加工,結合時下流行的款式和面料,著重研究人體工程原理,把健康可舒適度發(fā)揮到最大限度,不僅是觸覺上的輕松舒適,同時也是在視覺上帶給顧客輕松愉悅的氛圍。一直以來,我們不斷地探索和研究,就是讓您體會到不一樣的酒店生活,更增添您的品味和氣度,讓居住空間更加舒適。星晨家紡將一如既往得為廣大用戶提供更優(yōu)質的產品和服務。Xingchen Home Textile Co. Ltd. Specializes in interior textile products for family, hotel, school and hospital. Its products totally over 100 types which are down quilt, woolen quilt, silk quilt,, bed cover, pillow, curtain and health mat. It has profound technological force and advanced production equipments. Since “Xingchen” products were first put into the market in 1984, they have been popular among consumers for their fine quality and reasonable prices. They have been given the honorable titles of “Jiaxing Consumer Trusted Products” and “Consumer Recommended Products”.Xingchen takes the design element to gather and refine, with “creates a more comfortable hotel life” as the basic core, it makes the non-living life ensoul. Based on the traditional craft, it combined with the nowadays popular patterns and fabric, and also focused on the research of human body engineering for bringing the health and comfort to the almost, not only it is hand feel of relaxed and comfortable, but also bring guests pleasant atmosphere on the vision. All the time, our continuous exploration and research , just let you experience different hotel life, adding your tastes and bearing, let the living space more comfortable.