東莞市越聯檢測儀器有限公司成立于2007年,公司是集研發、生產、銷售為一體的綜合性企業,專業生產各種可靠性測試、品質檢測儀器,公司擁有一支忠誠穩定、技術專業的隊伍,產品嚴格按照ISO 9001 質量體系標準設計開發、生產和跟綜服務,并己全部通過歐盟CE認證,部份產品正在申請國家技術專利認證,目前公司生產的儀器己達6大系列一百多種產品,廣泛應用于箱包皮革、膠粘、化工、IT、光電、橡塑膠、金屬、鋼材、航空、、、、、等多個行業。其中萬能材料試驗機、恒溫恒濕試驗箱、冷熱沖擊試驗箱、烤箱等系列試驗機為公司主導重點產品。由于越聯的研發工作是持續的,機臺全部由內部自行研發與制造,機種與機種間具備關聯性與預留空間,方便客戶依需求調整,而不須重新購買,省下可觀的預算,購買本公司任一機種,都可享有升級的優勢,使您更有保障,隨時保有競爭力。〝誠實的銷售〞與〝專業的判斷〞一直是公司的二大信念,目前,良好的質量和售后服務使我們獲得了許多世界各地的客戶。公司以嚴格管理、服務完善、品質優秀為原則,使公司得以持續健康穩定的發展。我們相信,越聯的產品在不久的將來必然會走到您的身邊,是值得您信賴的品牌。 Dongguan Yuelian Testing Machines Co., Ltd was found in 2007 and engaged in R&D, manufacturing and marketing. We are professional in manufacturing the reliability testing machines and quality inspection instruments.? Our company is proud of owning the loyal staffs and a professional technical team. Our design, R & D, production and service are strictly enforced ISO9001. And all products are passed CE certification. Parts of products are applying for National technical patent certification. Yuelian covers six categories and hundreds of instruments; they are widely used in the fields of leather, bag, adhesive, chemical engineer, IT, photoelectricity, rubber, plastic, metal, steel, aviation and so on. Universal material testing machines, temperature&humidity testing chamber, thermal shock test chamber, testing ovens are the leading products. Base on Yuelian sustainable R&D, self-design and manufacture, our testing machines can be had relevance and development space. This allows customers facilitate to adjust demands and save a significant budget. Meanwhile, making sure our customers have updating service and keep their competitive force. ”Dealing faithfully” and “judging professionally” are Yuelian people’s belief. Since many years, Yuelian has won favourable recognition of customers by the superior quality and after-sales service. I believe the strict management, perfect after-sales service and superior quality are the reasons upholding a stable and sustainable development of company. In the near future, Yuelian will be a reliable brand and coming to your side.